Filling a Pond by Dewatering from a Creek

Quickly pump water with our highest volume (up to 475 GPM), low head dewatering pumps (B) – sometimes referred to as a “sewage” or “grinder” pump because of its ability to pump solids. This example depicts pumping water from a creek or river to fill adjacent ponds. Especially helpful when pumping from an exposed area like a river, canal, spring or pond that might include sticks or natural debris, as the dewatering pump will chew right through them. Other customer projects include pumping into high volume storage and draining flooded property. Utilize a float switch (A) to shut off the pump if the water level drops, but the pump can run dry without damage! The system will try to run on again in about 30 seconds, but we can increase that delay if needed. 220V AC from the grid or generator serves as backup with the versatile RPS Pro Controller (C), which is designed to automatically switch between Solar and 220V.